Carpe Diem MD is devoted to the principle of “seize the day”. This should not be interpreted as a principle of only live for today. Carpe Diem means to make the most of today and do not delay your goals. You are not guaranteed tomorrow….
As a Physician you know this truth more than most. Apply the principle of Carpe Diem to your family, personal growth, professional development and financial independence.
Have you been thinking about a loved one? Call them.
Do you want to spend more time with your children? Make the time.
Considering changing your career in Medicine? Then begin looking at your options today.
Are you are interested in starting a business? Evaluate your goals and define the first steps to building your business.
Do you want to invest in Real Estate? Then begin the process of investing.
It does not mean that you need to buy a home today. Instead it means “seize the day” and start your education. There are many resources available to you.
One of the most important steps to practicing Carpe Diem in any aspect of your life is to “seize the day” by addressing limiting beliefs and improving your mindset.
Ex. I cannot invest in Short-Term Rental Properties because I do not know the market. How can I manage a property. Real Estate is risky and I will lose money. These beliefs limit you and prevent you from achieving your goals.
You can invest in Short-Term Rental Properties, manage your properties, achieve monthly cash flow, and build equity. You can do all of this while personally enjoying your short-term rental property. To learn more about the great benefits of investing in Short Term Rentals (click here)
Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
Steve Jobs

Lauren and I on the Doctors & Dollars Podcast with Vijay Kini & Jordan Frey… our first podcast
Dr. George Chaucer, host of the Rockstar MD show goes into to detail with us about disability insurance and how it saved us financially during a tough time.
The DIG podcast created by Dr. Tom Dittrich can also be viewed in video via the Doctors Investing Group (DIG) facebook group. Dr. Dittrich is an EM physician with a real estate background. We cover a wide range of Short-Term Rental topics in this interview.
We were honored to spend time with Dr. Kate Mangona on the Medicine, Marriage and Money podcast. In this podcast we share how we met, our engagement story and our thoughts on marriage… as well as some STR talk.
Carpe Diem MD Featured in


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