They all use pseudonyms to hide their true identities and they all eventually fail.
The original secret identity crew was made up of the classic Superheroes….
Superman went by Clark Kent to hide his true identity but Lois Lane easily discovered his secret. Batman aka Bruce Wayne, Spider Man aka Peter Parker, Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince all attempted the same secret identity game but failed…
Next came the new generation of Superheroes, the X-Men.
The X-Men series created an entire army of secret identity junkies…. Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Rogue, Magneto, Mystique and the list goes on…
It is no surprise that the idea of anonymity and secret identities would cross over to the real world.
Rappers and hip-hop artists are by far the most successful group at adopting new personas.
The list is extensive and I will not be able to include everyone but here is a small list…
Dr. Dre (Andre Romelle Young)
Snoop Dogg (Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr)
Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers III)
50 cent (Curtis James Jackson III)
Common (Lonnie Corant Jaman Shuka Rashid Lynn)
Jay-Z (Shawn Corey Carter)
ICE Cube (O’Shea Jackson, Sr.)
ICE-T (Tracy Lauren Marrow)
Ludacris (Christopher Brian Bridges)
LL Cool J (James Todd Smith)
MC Hammer (Stanley Kirk Burrell)
Queen Latifah (Dana Elaine Owens)
Doja Cat (Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini)
Cardi B (Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar)
If you would like to see a more complete list then check out the Ranker list (click here)
The history of rapper pseudonyms is complicated. Some articles state that pseudonyms began because the origins of gangsta rap were street related and the original Rapper names were extensions of “street aliases”
This would go along with the Superhero secret identities but for a different reason….
Over time Rapper pseudonyms have developed into a significant form of branding and persona.
So how did the Physician Financial Blogger end up in this space?
Are they Superheroes trying to hide their identities? Or are they Rappers building a brand?
Did it originally start as a way to protect the medical profession by separating financial blogging from the serious work of practicing medicine?
Or was it always a form of branding to develop a new persona? It is hard to say but the history is pretty fascinating.
From my internet research it appears that things started in the early 2000s with Kevin MD.
KevinMD may be the first blog starting in 2004 followed by Ben White in 2007.
But the first Physician Financial Blogger with a pseudonym was The White Coat Investor who posted his first post May 17th 2011. Since that time the Physician Financial Blogging world has exploded and the expansion of various pseudonyms has followed.
We have the White Coat Investor (Jim Dahle), Physician on Fire (Leif Dahleen) , Passive Income MD (Peter Kim), Physician Philosopher (Jimmy Turner), Wealthy Mom MD (Bonnie Koo), and Semi-Retired MD (Kenji and Leti).
This has led to a new generation of bloggers with The Darwinian Doctor (Daniel Shin), The Prudent Plastic Surgeon (Jordan Frey), Generational Wealth MD (Param Baladandapani) and more.
Click Here to read about the Darwinian Doctor’s Secret Identity Reveal!!!
The most complete list of Physician Financial Bloggers in maintained by CrispyDoc.
If you have not checked out his blog please do… It is awesome (Click Here)
It is hard to say for sure that the White Coat Investor was the source of all pseudonyms but his blog definitely inspired many to follow suit.
So now the question is are Physician bloggers mimicking their favorite Superheroes with secret identities or Rappers with newfound personas, reinvented in the financial world….
I can hear the Superhero TV promo line now….
Physician by day… But Physician blogger (fill in the name) at night…
The reality is that it is likely a mix of both. Usually, starting as some form of anonymity with a little bit of branding… but over time the anonymity falls away leaving the persona.
I can’t speak for every Physician blogger but when we first started thinking about blogging Lauren and I looked for a name that represented our beliefs and our goal was to stay anonymous.
However, we quickly realized that it is hard for physicians to trust a blog without a face associated with the name. So we embraced the persona of Carpe Diem MD.
The pseudonym Carpe Diem MD fits our lifestyle and what we promote in the Physician Finance space. We are definitely not Superheroes and our rapping skills are subpar… accept for Lauren in party mode… Believe it or not she knows her 90s rap.
What do think?
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s the Physician Blogger pseudonym Carpe Diem MD!
Have a great week. Hope this brought a good laugh.
Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom

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