The PhREI Network Highlights drops once a week and highlights the best posts from the PhREI network….
The Darwinian Doctor shares SIX clear steps to follow to become more than RICH ;). This post is full of real life numbers and graphs that highlight how following these 6 steps can lead you to FIRE. Click below to read more….
How to Save, Invest, and Become Rich
One of the most common questions in the Real Estate space right now is: ” Will the housing market crash?” The Prudent Plastic Surgeon is here today to tell you he just “doesn’t care” and why he holds this belief…
One Important Reason I Don’t Care If There Is A Housing Market Crash
Have you ever wondered why Physician bloggers all have pseudonyms? Me too. It actually cracks me up. The Carpe Diem MD post this week discusses the history of Physician pseudonyms and how they relate to Rappers and Superheroes….
What do Rappers, Superheroes and Physician Financial Bloggers have in COMMON?
Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom