The PhREI Network Highlights drops once a week and includes the best posts from the PhREI network….
Have you ever looked at your portfolio and wondered what your “total return was in comparison to the market”?… Not just today or last month but your total return. Are you beating or losing to the market? How do you decide which future stock purchases or ETFs are best for you? In this week’s post, Dr. Shin introduces us to Stock Card and even shares a little about his own portfolio. Stock Card sounds very interesting and is worth checking out.
The Best Way to Research and Track your Stock Portfolio: Stock Card
If you are reading the PhREI network highlights then you are already well ahead of most in your financial knowledge… With that said, it is always great to continue reading about retirement strategies and how to reassess your goals. In this week’s PhREI network highlight the Prudent Plastic Surgeon shares his “5 step Retirement Calculator for Doctors”.
5 Step Retirement Calculator for Doctors
I must confess that this week I did not write new material. It has been pretty busy with the Holidays approaching and the start of Snowboard season… Snowboard season is a busy time for our family with weekend trips to the mountain. In fact, I’m actually writing this from Mammoth and will be riding the mountain in the morning. As I sit here in our first STR I can’t help but reflect on our investing journey and how lucky I am to be able to enjoy this home.
Our story is NOT like most STR finance blogs… Lauren and I did not start STR investing to escape Medicine or gain financial independence in one year. Financial independence is a nice perk and worthy goal but that is not our origin story. We experienced a family trauma and realized that enjoying our time together was most important to us. We bought our first STR with the a goal of both personal and financial gain… The story begins with a Fall and our first blog post. “STR investing is about more than money” is a follow up post to The Fall.
The Fall
STR Investing is About More than Money
PS. The principles we teach in our course will allow you reach financial independence but don’t forget to “Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom” as well.
Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom