The PhREI Network Highlights drop once a week and include the best posts from the PhREI network….
This week has been a big week for the PhREI Network with the announcement of the PhREI Conference Winter 2022. This conference is FREE and covers a range of real estate topics including, Short-term rentals, long-term rentals, syndications, financing, taxes and more… The conference runs for 3 days, starting January 21st…
Click here to learn more: PhREI (Physician Real Estate Investor Network) Conference
Burnout is a serious problem that most Physicians will experience at some point in their career… The pandemic has only increased the chances that a Physician will experience burnout. One way to help address burnout is through Coaching and the Darwinian Doctor shares his personal experience with both burnout and coaching in this week’s PhREI Highlight….
How Physician Coaching Changed My Life [Review of the Alpha Coaching Experience]
Buying real estate without debt may not be the best long term strategy because you are not taking advantage of the power of leverage… With that said some people are debt adverse and that is ok… If you are in that camp then this week’s PhREI network post from the Prudent Plastic Surgeon is perfect for you….
Top 3 Ways to Buy Real Estate Without Debt
2022 is the last year of 100% bonus/accelerated depreciation and therefore 2022 is the last year to maximize your tax deductions by investing in short-term rental properties. The Carpe Diem MD post of the week is all about why 2022 is the year of the short-term rental…
2022 is the year of the Short-Term Rental
We are also excited to announce that The Carpe Diem MD Short-Term Rental Course/Physician Burnout and Wellness CME will be launching Monday, January 24th 2022.
The precourse material will be available January 18th!!!!
The Carpe Diem MD Short-Term Rental Course/Physician Burnout and Wellness CME
Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom