The PPhREI Network Highlights drop once a week and include the best posts from the PPhREI network….
The Darwinian Doctor is leaving California. It is a sad day for California patients but it will be a good move for the Darwinian Doctor and his family. Dr. Shin is looking forward to the move and loves that this new transition has provided plenty of blogging material ;). He dives right in this week with a post about the benefits of geoarbitrage as he is preparing to move from LA to Memphis, Tennessee.
The Amazing Power of Geoarbitrage
Dr. Frey and Selenid have been growing an impressive LTR (Multifamily) portfolio. They purchase properties based on specific purchasing criteria and know how to analyze their investments. The Prudent Plastic Surgeon shares this week that they don’t buy everything and that sometimes it is OK to walkaway… “By cutting bait we were able to find a better deal. There are always more deals. Don’t get near sighted by just one of them.” This is a great post because it can be easy to feel stuck in a “deal” after investing time and money. The Prudent Plastic Surgeon is here to share that even if you invested time and money into a potential purchase… it is still OK to move on if the deal does not work…
Why We Backed Out of a Recent Real Estate Deal
2022 is flying by and the 4th quarter is rapidly approaching. The news is filled with articles about the impending recession, potential housing market crashes and more. Investing right now can be scary, especially when combined with real life increased mortgage rates and decreased retirement accounts returns. It is easy to see why some have turned away from real estate right now. But there are still opportunities out there…. The 4th quarter is great time to purchase a STR and maximize your tax savings for 2022… Check the Carpe Diem MD post of the week to learn more.
The 4th Quarter is the BEST Quarter to Purchase a STR
Practice the Carpe Diem MD lifestyle and seize the day
Carpe Diem MD
Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom