If you are interested in multifamily investing (duplex, triplex, quad, apartment complexes) then the course for you is “Zero to Freedom” taught by Drs. Kenji Asakura and Letizia Alto.
They offer a unique physician focused real estate investing course. The course is open to significant others and teaches real estate investing principles that are specific to high-income Physician households.
Real estate investing 101
The concepts taught include:
analyzing a deal
how to find value in a property
how to grow wealth via tax savings/Real Estate Professional Status
and how to compound those savings by reinvesting in real estate.
They understand the physician experience and how the mindset of a physician can be both helpful and limiting in the field of real estate.
Kenji and Leti spend a significant portion of the course discussing mindset and work to expand the minds of their students. By addressing mindset, they set their students free and decrease the fears associated with real estate investing.
In addition to mindset, Kenji and Leti teach the fundamental principles of real estate. They cover the topics of cash flow, Cash on Cash return, hidden value and how to force appreciation.
Financial Education & Referral Program
The course covers many real estate related financial topics including commercial loans, residential loans, private loans, hard money loans and 1031 exchanges.
After completing the education portion of the course you are introduced to real estate agents, mortgage brokers and insurance agents. These referrals assist you in transitioning into a full fledged real estate investor by the end of the course.
“Zero to Freedom Through Cashflowing Rentals” is a unique 8-week program designed by Physicians for Physicians.
The goal of the program is to help you begin your journey to financial independence via multifamily real estate investing.
If you would like to learn more about short-term rental investing click here.