The PhREI Network Highlights drops once a week and highlights the best posts from the PhREI network…. we missed last week…
Are you looking for creative way to finance your next property? Well, you are in luck. The Darwinian Doctor discussed how you can have your cake and eat it too by using a Security Backed Line of Credit. Spoiler: This post is all about how you can access the equity of your stocks without having to sell them. Check it out.
Security Backed Line of Credit (SBLOC): Never Sell Stocks
Visualization is a crucial step in achieving any goal. Some people never take the time to focus on visualizing their goals. It may seem so basic to you… You have done it your whole life along your journey to becoming a Physician. But now that goals are not as clear as becoming a Physician it time to sit down and visualize your next steps. What are your goals, see them and make them happen. The Prudent Plastic Surgeon has a great post to help get you started on visualizing your Real Estate investing goal. Check it out and write down your own vision. Where will you be in 3 years.
7 Steps to Visualize the Big Picture in Real Estate Investing
Automation has changed the Short-term rental game for the better. There are so many products out there that make remote management easier. These products include wifi smart locks, thermostats, and cameras. Check out this post to learn more about the Ring system and NEST….
Ring vs Nest for your Short-Term Rental Property (Airbnb/VRBO)
Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom