The PhREI Network Highlights drops once a week and includes the best posts from the PhREI network….
Fourth quarter continues to to role through and many of you are investing in short-term rentals. Some would argue that the fourth quarter is the best time to purchase a short-term rental property to maximize your tax benefits. In this post The Darwinian Doctor highlights the TAX advantages available to short-term rental investors. This is a must read….
Amazing Tax Deductions from Your Short Term Rental
Understanding how Insurance brokers get paid will help you during your search for Life and Disability insurance… And yes you NEED both. I’m sorry to tell you that truth but both policies are worth the cost. The Prudent Plastic Surgeon runs through how to research and purchase both Life and Disability Insurance in this great post.
How Insurance Brokers Get Paid & Why Doctors Need to Care
The year is flying by and Halloween has just passed… Our Carpe Diem MD post of the week is a behind the scenes look at our latest “purchase”…. It is kinda spooky….
Our latest Short-Term Rental Purchase
Enjoy your Journey to Financial Freedom